Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Finished Environment

Project 2 - Environment - Final

I am pretty happy with the final design overall, physics and camera aren't perfect but it is playable and conveys my idea correctly of a military experiment in a virtual setting. To recap, my idea is of a new military weapon, aka X-KMBW or Kinetic Magnetic Ball Weapon, and its experimentation in a virtual environment.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Quick Update

I have enlarged and retextured my whole environment, was a bit of a mission but I wanted it to look good. Have also tested a ball in environment and created a few scripts to handle the way that it rolls around the environment.

Saturday, April 26, 2008


Whipped up this enemy for my environment, they are essentially road blocks that you have to smash over as you travel along. Tried to make them look as though they had been virtually generated.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Environment progress

I have textured and mapped out my environment from my sketches, I am pleased with the look, it looks like a virtual reality testing ground, which is what I was going for :) After trying out multiple textures I was happy with the blue/navy and red look. I added a corkscrew because I like the dynamic of using one, and it wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be to create.

So now its onto coding the gravity, which shall be interesting to say the least...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Half Textured

I have applied the texture to the ring around the main character of the environment. Overall I'm pretty pleased with how the texture looks, definatly the type of aesthetic I was going for. Sure it is'nt the environment but it has allowed me to see how I want the rest of the level to look in an aesthetic sense. The levels is also coming along nicely and I am going to try importing it into Unity to see if all is well.

updates Updates UPDATES

Well I have been pretty busy over the break, namely what I want to address is that I changed my Project 2 Concept. I feel my initial idea was too ambitious and not close enough to my original precedent for my environment, and most of all I wasn't really into what I was designing, so I decided to go with a modified version of my Project 3 Proposal instead. Below is an example of the art I want to go with. Kind of a sterile feel, much like Valves Portal. This texture is of the main character.

I want my environment to be unhindered by gravity, and want to use the ball idea as well for this, I have many sketches of my ideas that I'll upload asap.

The environment is going to all be indoors, and be very curvy and confusing.

Below is a sketch of the potential characters, enemies and level design.

Thursday, April 3, 2008



In an advanced military training base in some far off Island, scientists are testing a new type of remotely controlled weaponry designed to be both an infiltration and offensive device.


I want to design a game that allows players to use the walls to their advantage. My concept is to create a cube like environment with obstacles, and randomly spawning enemies on each plane of the cube area. If you do not kill enough enemies they will start to overwhelm you so you can either dodge to another plane, or try and fight the enemies that are attacking you to clear the amount of enemies. The emphasis of the game is freedom. I want the player to not feel as though they are enclosed by a flat plane.

Key Features:

The ability to travel up walls, so in theory each level is 6 smaller levels. You use the walls to dodge out of enemy fire. The game would be first person and meant to be in a simulation type scenario, so I'd want the game to have a Metal Gear Solid VR:Missions kind of aesthetic. Another feature is stealth. I want the player to be able to climb walls, and maneuver around enemies and be able to eliminate them from behind.

The game will be a first person shooter, but that is debatable, the level of envolvement may allow a 3rd person element.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I have been thinking about how to execute this enviroment. I had the idea of a game where the whole enviroment is the 'boss' character that you have to kill. So you are in theory running along this character, which is the enviroment, and having to stop it.

I am having trouble finding games that include such functions.

Game Environment - Tribes 1

Thinking back to the games I have played in the past, none have given me more pleasure than the Tribes series. The game revolved around simple principals. It was first person, you had a jetpack, and you could slide along the terrain to gain speed.

Firstly into a little history of the game. Tribes 1, was a game produced by Dynamix. The idea of 'skiiing' along the terrain was not a feature they intended in the game. It was a bug in the engine that, if you tapped jump, you could slide along the terrain. This in combination with the jetpacks, opened up an unparalleled amount of freedom, not yet seen in any game to date. Other games of the era, such as Quake2, were linear indoor games and had next to none of the sense of freedom. Third party scripts were produced allowing the player to always 'ski' along the terrain, gaining momentum.

This game principal, combined with fast paced and skilled fighting in such game modes as, Capture the Flag, and Deathmatch, created the most unique gaming experience I have encountered.

So in short, the level design was huge open terrains, that allowed the player to fly around and get into conflict with the opposing team as they battled for objectives or to capture the flag. I feel this would create an interesting dynamic for terrain. Terrain which is built for an object to move around on freely.